Elizabeth Inman's Blog

“Am I really prepared to retire?
Will my retirement dreams come true?”
by Elizabeth Inman

Elizabeth Inman asked herself those questions when she sat at her kitchen table looking at the mountain of paperwork required to retire from her federal job. She was overwhelmed and felt unprepared to answer all the questions in front of her. Every question was not only going to affect the rest of her life, but also the lives of her family.
Two years before she retired from the Postal Service, Elizabeth lost over a quarter of her TSP savings when the recession wave hit, and the markets tumbled. When that happened, she had to ask herself: Will I have enough income to retire? What will happen to my TSP after retirement? As one question led to the next, she wondered if her dream might turn into a nightmare.
Every Federal and Postal employee asks themselves the types of questions Elizabeth did, the closer they get to retirement. After her experience, she wanted to help other federal employees navigate the complex system that had her so confused when she retired. With that thought in mind, her new journey began to create a business to help her fellow Federal and Postal employees with answers to their retirement.
Currently, Elizabeth travels the country training Federal and Postal employees how to manage the risk that is often associated with retirement and to learn more about their benefits. Education leads the way to empowerment. With empowerment comes the confidence to make the right decisions as you navigate the retirement paperwork.
Fast forward from that kitchen table experience…presently, Elizabeth has more than 36 years of total experience which includes advanced training and licensing. She compiles reports, designs processes, and access information to equip Federal and Postal employees with tools that work together to form a Strategic Federal Retirement plan. She provides information on how to determine retirement income levels, how does social security fit into that income plan, how Medicare works with FEHB plans, how to manage the risk that comes with the market fluctuations, and how that may or may not affect retirement decisions.
You can learn more by listening to Elizabeth on her national podcast as well as various Facebook and YouTube programs. She is a prominent speaker at National and State Conventions across the country. You may also find her on radio programs and read her various articles and blogs.
Elizabeth is an advocate for Federal Employees and her passion is to equip you with tools, data, and information to work together so you can believe that dreams really do come true!

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